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Acceptance and Discharge

L’acceptance of patients is usually carried out from 08:00 to 14:00 by the appropriate administrative office located on the ground floor.

On the date and time agreed upon at the time of booking, the patient should report to the outpatient reception office located on the ground floor by presenting the following documents:

Request for hospitalization issued by the general practitioner

Valid identification document

Individual health card or, for those without one, social security number

Attachment E (Information access form completed by the primary care physician)

Health acceptance

Health acceptance is carried out by the ward physician who draws up the relevant form; this document sanctions the actual taking over of the patient by the SANTABARBARA HOSPITAL.


Upon discharge, the patient will be given the SDO (hospital discharge form) and a discharge report addressed to the primary care physician and, if applicable, to the proposing Specialist.
The report includes the diagnosis, the description of the clinical evolution and functional picture, the rehabilitation program and its results, the therapeutic prescription and any proposals for follow-up and secondary prevention, designed to ensure continuity on the care plan with the primary care physician and other care facilities.
The discharge letter includes the name of the physician who drafted it and the telephone numbers at which he or she may be contacted by the primary care physician for any information or clarification.

Access by family members and/or visitors

In order to ensure spaces for socialization and maintenance of family relationships, while respecting the necessary tranquility during medical visits and periods of patient rest, one person per patient is allowed to enter the wards., for a duration of 15 minutes, unless otherwise stipulated by the Health Management:

6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

In the lobby there is a reception/information station: qualified and properly trained young people belonging to the National Civil Service are available to patients and visitors to inform them about every aspect related to services: hospitalizations, diagnostics, outpatient clinics. Visits by children under the age of twelve are not allowed.; exceptional situations of special emotional implication may be represented to the medical staff of the ward who may consider granting special permission.
In the inpatient rooms, the presence of a caregiver is allowed, with the permission of the ward manager.
During medical examinations or nursing activities, visitors must leave the room. Food and beverages may not be brought in for inpatients..


Tel: 0933 817111

Single reservation center

Tel: 0933 817111