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Cardiac rehabilitation

La cardiologic rehabilitation falls within the medical treatments intended for cardiac conditions in the post-operative phase or after a myocardial infarction.
It consists of a set of therapeutic programs aimed at rehabilitating the patient until independence is achieved.

Cardiac rehabilitation is conducted by therapists and may include: respiratory exercises, physical activity on exercise bikes and treadmills, and muscle stretching.
Rehabilitation aims to assist the cardiac patient, not only medically, but also psychologically and educationally, in order to anticipate his or her complete recovery and reintegration into social life.

Activities and Services

Respiratory gymnastics exercises

Physical activity on exercise bikes and treadmills


Functional Unit Manager

Dr. Giuseppe La Rosa


Dr. Calogero Zirafi


Floor -1 (Ambulatory 8)

For info and reservations

Contact the Single Reservation Center Call now: +39 0933 817111

*Reminder that, for services in agreement with the NHS, a prescription from your primary care physician is required.