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L’Cardiology F.U. has, in addition to the regular beds, four beds with centralized multi-parameter monitoring.
The Functional Unit deals with cardiology diagnostics (ischemic heart disease, heart failure, hypertension), of cardiac electrostimulation (implants of endocardial defibrillators for the prevention of sudden death, antitachycardia pace makers for the prevention and therapy of atrial fibrillation, biventricular pace makers for the therapy of heart failure), of electrophysiology and of the electrical treatment of atrial fibrillation (transthoracic external and internal low-energy cardioversion).

The “Syncope Unit” makes use of the most sophisticated comprehensive diagnostics (basal and pharmacologically enhanced tilting table test) electrophysiological study, loop recorder implantation for the diagnosis of syncopes of various nature.

Activities and Services

Temporary and definitive pacemaker implantation

Color doppler echocardiogram

Eco stress

24-48 hour Holter ECG

Tilt test

Functional Unit Manager

Dr. Joseph La Rosa

Medical department assistant

Dr. Carmelo Alfieri


1st floor

For info and reservations

Contact the Single Reservation Center
Call now: +39 0933 817111

*Reminder that, for services in agreement with the NHS, a prescription from your primary care physician is required.