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Basic principles


1. Patients have the right to be cared for and treated with thoughtfulness and attention, with respect for human dignity and their philosophical and religious beliefs.

2. In particular, during a hospital stay he has the right to be identified at all times by his first and last name rather than, according to a practice that must no longer be tolerated,by the number or name of his illness.
He also has the right to be addressed with the pronominal particle “She.”

3. The patient has the right to obtain information from the health care facility regarding the services provided, how to access them, and the relevant expertise, and has the right to be able to immediately identify the people in their care.

4. The patient has the right to obtain complete and comprehensible information from the treating health care provider regarding the diagnosis of the disease, the proposed treatment, and its prognosis.

5. In particular, except in cases of urgency in which delay could result in danger to health, the patient has the right to receive such information as will enable him or her to express effectively informed consent before undergoing treatment or intervention; said information must also concern the possible risks or discomforts resulting from the treatment.
Where the health care provider reaches the reasoned belief that direct information is inappropriate, it shall be provided, unless expressly refused by the patient, to family members or those exercising guardianship.

6. The patient also has the right to be informed about the possibility of alternative investigations and treatments, even if they can be performed in other facilities.
Where the patient is unable to determine for himself/herself the same information should be provided to the persons mentioned in the previous article.

7. The patient has the right to have data about his or her illness and any other circumstances concerning him or her remain confidential.

8. The patient has the right to file complaints, which must be promptly investigated, and to be promptly informed of the outcome.

9. It is the right of every user, informed by health care personnel, to waive according to his or her will, health care and health care services.


Direct participation in the fulfillment of certain duties is the basis for taking full advantage of one’s rights.
Personal commitment to duties is a respect for the social community and health services enjoyed by all citizens.
Fulfilling a duty also means improving the quality of services provided by health services.

1. The patient is urged to behave responsibly at all times, respecting and understanding the rights of other patients, with a willingness to cooperate with the medical, nursing, and technical staff and the management of the health care facility in which he or she is located.

2. Through access to a hospital or other health care facility, the patient expresses a relationship of trust and respect toward health care personnel, a prerequisite for setting up a proper treatment and care program.

3. It is the duty of every patient to promptly inform the health care provider about the intention to waive, according to his or her wishes, health care and health care services.

4. The patient is expected to respect the environments, equipment and furnishings found within the hospital facility.

5. Anyone who is in a health care facility (hospital, polyclinic, etc.) is called upon to respect the visiting hours established by the Health Department, in order to allow normal therapeutic care activities to be carried out and to promote the quiet and rest of other patients.
It is also reminded that for hygienic and sanitary reasons and for the respect of other inpatients present in the hospital room, it is essential to avoid crowding around the bed.

6. For reasons of hygienic safety with regard to children, visits to the hospital by children under the age of twelve are not recommended.
Exceptional situations of special emotional implications may be considered by contacting the medical staff of the department.

7. In situations of special need, visits to the inpatient outside the established hours must be authorized by written permission issued by the head of the Functional Unit or a person delegated by him/her.
In such a case, the authorized family member must conform to the rules of the ward and have a respect consonant with the hospital environment, while fostering maximum cooperation with health workers.

8. In the consideration of being part of a community, it is appropriate to avoid any behavior that may create situations of disturbance or discomfort to other residents (noise, bright lights, loud radios, etc.).

9. It is the duty to respect both the daily and nightly rest of other inpatients.
For those who wish to engage in any recreational activities, living rooms located within each ward are available.

10. Smoking is prohibited inside the health facility.

11. The organization and schedules provided in the health care facility in which one accesses must be respected under all circumstances.
Health care services requested at improper times and in improper ways result in significant disservice to all users.

12. It is appropriate for patients and visitors to move around the hospital using the routes reserved for them, directly reaching the sites of their close interest.

13. Health care staff, to the extent of their competence, are urged to enforce the rules enunciated for the smooth running of the department and the welfare of patients.

14. The patient has a right to correct information about the organization of the health care facility, but it is also his or her distinct duty to inform themselves at the appropriate times and places.